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Most competitive females will do whatever it takes to sculpt and build their dream body. This includes extreme dieting, training, cardio sessions, stimulants and additional performance enhancements.

There are many tools in the toolbox. But when it comes down to the final product, when you get that “summer leanness” or “stage leanness”, how do you help the hormones rebalance and return to homeostasis?

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Cycle, Dietitian, Healing, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Hormones, Lifestyle, PCOS, Period Health, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

Just like blood pressure, resting heart rate, glucose are vital signs…. so is your PERIOD! Using your menstrual cycle provides a powerful tool to assess your health. 

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Cycle, Diet, Diet Tips, Dietitian, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Healthy Weight, Hormones, Lifestyle, Prep, Weight Loss, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

“How do I balance my hormones?”  I hear this a lot and it’s SUCH a loaded question. Balancing hormones is a highly individualized process, but one simple thing almost everyone can do to support hormones is to start seed cycling!  Seed cycling is simply the process of consuming 1-2 tablespoons of specific seeds at certain times during your monthly cycle.  Don’t worry fellas, you can seed cycle, too. 

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Amenorrhea, Client Success, Cycle, Digestion, Digestive Issues, Gut, Gut Health, Healing, Health, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Healthy Weight, IBD, Lifestyle, Stress, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

SHA. Secondary Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is an extremely common condition in women between the ages of 24-35. Over 7% (almost 1 in 10) will experience at least a 6 month loss of their cycle. Over 35, at least 4% will lose their cycle at some point. 

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