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Do you ever get back from vacay and feel like you need a vacay from the vacay? Yeah, I’ve been there.. you travel somewhere and your normal routine goes right out the window.  It starts at the airport, celebrating the start of your trip and then you go too hard for the duration of the trip without the support your body needs. Eventually you arrive home feeling BEAT.  Total amateur hour.  Well I’m here to tell ya, if this resonates, you’re doing it wrong.  I’m a big believer that traveling should be a part of any health and wellness regimen.  Getting out of your routine and submerged in nature or a new culture is healing to the soul.  It can be like a very boujee cortisol reset if you use the time wisely instead of running yourself into the ground.  Here are my top 5 ways to travel like a pro so you arrive back better than when you left.

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I know, shame on me! I’m a dietitian and I drink cow’s milk? Unheard of.

2015 me thought it was super cool to pull up at Starbucks with a long, obscure recipe that was a ‘healthier, low calorie’ option. 

“Hi, can I get a grande iced caffe americano with unsweetened almond milk, ½ packet of stevia and just a tiny splash of your sugar free vanilla syrup? Oh and light on the ice please.” 

2021 me says GIVE ME THE REAL STUFF! So, let’s chat about why I’m not scared of dairy and why you shouldn’t be either! 

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Let’s chat about constipation. It’s a surefire ingredient to unhappiness. When I started my career as a dietitian, I was working in a hospital setting. If my patients were crabby, it was usually because they were constipated. No doubt you will feel irritable, bloated, and gassy if a good poop eludes you. 

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Cycle, Diet, Diet Tips, Dietitian, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Healthy Weight, Hormones, Lifestyle, Prep, Weight Loss, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

“How do I balance my hormones?”  I hear this a lot and it’s SUCH a loaded question. Balancing hormones is a highly individualized process, but one simple thing almost everyone can do to support hormones is to start seed cycling!  Seed cycling is simply the process of consuming 1-2 tablespoons of specific seeds at certain times during your monthly cycle.  Don’t worry fellas, you can seed cycle, too. 

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Diet, Diet Tips, Dietitian, Fiber, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

When you look at a nutrition label, you will see ‘total fiber’ underneath the carbohydrate content. Fiber is found naturally in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts & seeds, but it also can be an added ingredient to some processed foods like cereals, breads, bars, and yogurt. 

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