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Diet, Diet Tips, Dietitian, Digestion, Digestive Issues, FODMAP, Gut Health, Health, Health Tips, IBD, IBS, SIBO -

You’ve been diagnosed (or self-diagnosed) with IBS, IBD, SIBO, or some other digestive disease acronym. I’m sure you’d do almost anything to make it better. I get it. The gas, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, and/or constipation can be unbearable and downright debilitating. For a lot of people out there, the starting point is usually cutting out foods…a lot of foods.

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Amenorrhea, Client Success, Cycle, Digestion, Digestive Issues, Gut, Gut Health, Healing, Health, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Healthy Weight, IBD, Lifestyle, Stress, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

SHA. Secondary Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is an extremely common condition in women between the ages of 24-35. Over 7% (almost 1 in 10) will experience at least a 6 month loss of their cycle. Over 35, at least 4% will lose their cycle at some point. 

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