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Did you know that you can have high blood sugars even if you aren’t a diabetic?

 Yep, it’s true! Most people assume that only diabetics have blood sugar issues, but that’s just not the case. 

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Client Success, Diet, Diet Tips, Dietitian, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Process, Supplements, Vitamins, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

Fat soluble vitamins are present in fatty foods and like their name suggests, they dissolve in fats and are stored in body tissues for use when needed. Here’s what you need to know about Vitamins A, D, E and K!

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Bodybuilding, Client Success, Competition, Dietitian, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Lifestyle, Process, Supplements, Wellness, Women's Health -

You know the saying, if I had a million dollars? Well if I had a million dollars for every time someone questioned why I recommend certain supplement brands, I’d be a millionaire. The answer is simple. I want my clients using high-quality products that I know will get results. At Nutrition Dynamic, we do not recommend supplements that we haven’t vetted and 100% trust. Clients should know that their products are safe, they work, and are worth the cost.

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Client Success, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, MTFHR, Supplements, Wellness, Women's Health -

While some of us can convert folic acid easily, there are some people who have a harder time with this. You may be supplementing with folic acid, but this doesn’t mean you are not deficient in B9. Well how does that work? If your ability to convert it to a usable form is impaired, then THAT’S how! This is estimated to affect 40-60% of the population, so keep that in mind. 

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Client Success, Cycle, Diet, Diet Tips, Exercise, Healing, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivation, Positivity, Prep, Process, Self Care, Self Love, Weight Loss, Wellness, Women's Health -

If you are like most hygienic people, brushing your teeth has become embedded in your morning routine.  It’s not even much of a decision anymore, it’s something that you do without thinking. In fact, according to Wendy Wood, 45% of our decisions that we make every day aren’t actually decisions at all-- they are habits.

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